
Welcome to SIPO website. This site introduces Cardano ADA's staking service by distributed system by Cardano.

SITION provides a staking service for managing Crypto assets using Cardano's autonomous decentralized ledger system.

Cardano, a 3rd generation blockchain, provides a mechanism that allows you to participate in staking services through smart contracts without having to deposit your assets "ADA" with a fully autonomous decentralized system.

A visualization of a robust decentralized network
A visualization of a robust decentralized network where peer-to-peer servers connect to each other and connect as a whole.

3D model of Shelley Test Net from “PoolTool.io”

Today, the Cardano blockchain has transformed into a fully distributed ledger system by the hard fork of July 28, 2020. It provides a decentralized platform, unlike GAFA or central banking systems. In addition, cardano will make an historically groundbreaking upgrade by installing a smart contract in 2020. Cardano Will literally change the world.

Currently, SITION is in operation for the Cardano staking pool from Epock 0 on July 28, 2020. Please check the Twitter account of SIPO for the latest information.

About SITION Stake Pool ”SIPO"

SITION formed the SITION team in 2013 to upgrade the diverse IT experience we have developed over the years, and we have been trying our hand at web3 + blockchain since around 2018.

In particular, we have been greatly interested in Cardano, which aims to build a third generation blockchain, a fully autonomous distributed ledger system.

We joined ITN in January 2020 and learned a lot from our test run on the stake pool. And I have now joined Shelley Mainnet's staking operations.

With the extensive experience I have gained through my previous overseas business experience, server and web development and operations, and IT business development and operations, I will be aggressively focusing 120% of my energies on this completely new venture.

We will continue to learn and work as a member of a historic and revolutionary fully autonomous distributed ledger system.

Main features of SITION POOL

  • Operates a server system that functions as a Cardano node.
  • Delivered to Japan, Asia and all over the world.
  • By entrusting ADA on your Cardano blockchain from your wallet with an automatic smart contract, it will be a service that distributes the generated incentives by block generation = staking.
  • Funds can be managed through Cardano's smart contract without depositing any assets of ADA holders.
  • Operates shelley with a perfect system with a track record of test and block generation from the ITN.
  • You can  move the funds freely at any time with delegate.
  • SITION realizes a low fee.
  • We realize efficiency and stability for advanced asset management through stable node operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • With full support for safety and security.
  • Deliver useful information about Cardano and crypto assets on Twitter, blogs, etc.

If you have any interests or questions about our staking service, please feel free to contact us.

Stakeing Service : SIPO

Pool ID:Daedalus[bech32]:pool1w6l6rvhxtym5psec3mvgrjlg28d6hrv8g9jjexadzmxfgndfg2f
Pool ID:YOROI[hex]:76bfa1b2e6593740c3388ed881cbe851dbab8d8741652c9bad16cc94
Variable fee:2.5%
fixed Fee(ADA):340ADA
Ability to pledge:50.0 K
Hardware specs:8 VCPU 32GB RAM 240 GB
Hosting environment:cloud

Stakeing Service : SIPO2

Pool ID:Daedalus[bech32]:pool18rhzlrv83a7ygj7cp5uv8dx07qkn5drhe8nh6f3qvhv66xcyj2m
Pool ID:YOROI[hex]:38ee2f8d878f7c444bd80d38c3b4cff02d3a3477c9e77d262065d9ad
Variable fee:2.5%
fixed Fee(ADA):340ADA
Ability to pledge:50.0 K
Hardware specs:8 VCPU 32GB RAM 240 GB
Hosting environment:cloud

Stakeing Service : SIPO3

Pool ID:Daedalus[bech32]:pool1p5ja48uqc7pjnuqvwu7cgmspvx938qpnf4zqm0x2k0ngkh4lkjx
Pool ID:YOROI[hex]:0d25da9f80c78329f00c773d846e01618b1380334d440dbccab3e68b
Variable fee:2.5%
fixed Fee(ADA):340ADA
Ability to pledge:50.0 K
Hardware specs:8 VCPU 32GB RAM 240 GB
Hosting environment:cloud

Next-generation finance with an autonomous distributed ledger system

  • Operate a stake pool to earn real rewards, help us learn, and become part of the Cardano journey.
  • Cardano provide a service that distributes generated staking rewards by ADA in your Wallet.
  • Funds can be managed through Cardano's smart contract without having to keep the locked assets of the ADA holder.
  • Locked funds can be canceled at any time and funds can be moved freely

You can start staking by searching for a staking service operator with the ticker “SIPO” from Daedalus Wallet or Yoroi Wallet that stores your ADA without entrusting your asset ADA at all.

Currently, the "Shelley" Mainnet is already started, and the staking service is going fully operational from July 28, 2020.

Ypuca search Ticker "SIPO" from Daedalus Wallet and Yoroi Wallet then start staking quickly  from now.

Daedalus Wallet

It is a full-node wallet exclusively for PC to safely operate the Cardano ADA developed by IOHK. The full node wallet downloads a full copy of the blockchain for storage and verification. It does not rely on a central server and works in a delegation-free manner.

Cardano Shelley: How to stake in Daedalus

More details and download

Yoroi wallet

Yoroi Wallet is a simple, fast and secure CARDANO light wallet. The Yoroi Wallet was built by IOHK and is treated as a unique product by EMURGO. It also provides the best software protection in the industry, including comprehensive security audits. Daedalus and Yoroi Wallet play complementary roles. Yoroi Wallet can be used as a daily wallet for CARDANO users.

More details and download

3rd generation blockchain

Cardano was launched in 2015 to change the way cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology are designed and developed, and is the first 3rd generation blockchain created through scientific philosophy and peer review.

Cardano's blockchain is building a fully autonomous decentralized ledger system that supports quantum cryptography, further pushing forward scalability, sustainability, security, and interoperability while keeping in mind the flow of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

In Bitcoin, the Bitcoin miner updates the ledger, while in Cardano, which has achieved full decentralization, the person holding the stake in the system updates the ledger. In other words, Cardano aims to build and operate a decentralized system that allows anyone with ADA (Cardano's native cryptocurrency) to contribute to the decentralization of Cardano and participate in network security and economic activities.

More information about Cardano


SITION STAKE POOL for the future.
”ミライのカルダノステークプール ”
Pool ID:
Total Stake:
Last Reward Epoch:
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ROA: %
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More info on ADApools.org.
Pool ID:
Total Stake:
Last Reward Epoch:
Tax Ratio:
Tax Fix:
ROA: %
Blocks Lifetime:
Blocks in epoch:
More info on ADApools.org.